Coach's Java Links

For full credit, your final (Chapter 24) assignment is to write an applet that:
  • 1. has an animation with at least 10 images,
  • 2. launches a frame that does something within it,
  • 3. plays sound,
  • 4. and is demonstrated in class.
  • These files can be useful for this assignment:
  • Either Switch Audio File Conversion Software or AVS Audio Editor can covert .wav files to .au - Freq:8000 MuLAW 8bit for Chapter 24 Assignment. How either program works is for you to determine and research. Don't be afraid of clicking on the HELP button, or researching the OPTIONS menu. All successful Computer Scientist develop uncanny abililties to figure out the features of previously unused software. This is your opportunity to develop this skill! Do not rely on the staff to do this for you.
  • Sample au File - If your sound doesn't work, it's because you've not saved it in the right form. Here's a properly formatted au file for testing purposes. Right click on the link, then 'Save Target As' into your music directory. If this sound file works, and yours doesn't, then you'll need to create a new au sound file according to the specifications above. You must be precise! Do not use this file in your project! You must create your own sound file for this project.
  • GIF Animators- enabling you to extract single frames from an animated gif.

  • Interesting Java Links | Anfy Java Applets | The Java Boutique | JLS | Gamelan | java.www.sites | JavaWorld | Tutorials List | JARS | Virtual Rendezvous | FAQ | Optimization | Layout tutorials | THOUGHT Inc. | ObjectSpace | BulletProof | preEmptive | Cyrus | Learn about the UNIVERSE in Java | Java Tutorials